Are you a Conscious Parent?
There are solutions to take care of your children
in this fast changing world!
Are you looking for more EASE, CALM,and JOY with your children?
Grab the e-book below and get the simple TIPS to use directly.
Take it for FREE and experiencemore LOVE and WONDER.
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Caroll
As human beings, walking on planet earth, we have lots of responsibilities, and at this time, it seems almost a mission impossible to live a healthy life and to raise children in a good, joyful, and healthy way.
If we look in a positive and hopeful way, wonders and playful experiences are close by, for children and adults. We have forgotten to see that. Our planet earth is amazing. I am sure you know the song by Louis Armstrong “What A Wonderful World”.
Find some exciting tools to inspire you and your children to enjoy the process of learning and growing every day.
Unlike other education companies that focus only on child development, I also support you in teaching children to become responsible members in the future, so we are building a better world together for ourselves and future generations!
Let's make this a mission possible together.
As a busy parent, you may struggle to figure out how to create environments inside and outside your home that create a sense of wonder, exploration, joy, and peace that all children (and adults) long for.
Are you wondering how to raise your children amid the noise in our world? A world where materialism seems to displace the natural wonder of our green environments?
Every parent wants to create a safe space at home for exploration and wonder for their children, but … what happens in the outer world is not in your control. What you experience is that your child is struggling to deal with their feelings and emotions and acts weird as a result. Chaos and fights at home are what you encounter almost every day.
By using a system to build a transparent structure at home, set clear boundaries, and experience playfulness, joy, and calm together, your child will thrive again.
You will feel like a better parent, and you will offer a safe space for your children so you will develop deeper connections, and your child feels safe to express themselves and thrive.
Children continuously learn, also (and maybe even better) during free times. A varied play area offers children the space to play differently and face challenges, to push boundaries. Is that possible? Yes, it is. But where to start?
Apply now for a FREE Playful Exploration and discover the possibilities you have for your children.
First Time Working With Alice?
Schedule a free 30min playful exploration to discover what is possible for you
Client Raves!
“ You are so easygoing with the kids. It always amazes me how you manage to get them along.”
“ Since our meeting, my girls have stopped at an address close by to 'chat ' with the chickens. They would love to come again! ”
“ It is amazing how much creativity you are showing, such an example.”
8 Ways to Give Children the Experiences they Need.
Every Parent Wants Their Children to Thrive!
Download this Free eBook,
and discover how to have more Ease & Calm, Joy & Inspiration with your Child(ren).